HomeNewsTSRTC Implements Zero Cost Tickets for Women

TSRTC Implements Zero Cost Tickets for Women

TSRTC introduces zero-cost tickets for women. A technological leap towards inclusive and efficient public transportation.

The Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) is making significant strides in implementing the free bus travel scheme for women. Upgrading over 13,000 Ticket Issuing Machines (TIMS) across the state, TSRTC is ushering in an era of inclusivity and affordability in public transportation.

Key Initiatives and Technological Advancements

  • Data-Driven Approach: The upgraded TIMS will not only facilitate zero-cost tickets for women but also capture essential data, including passenger details, travel information, and the actual ticket price (billed at zero). This data-driven approach aims to analyze travel patterns, identify preferred routes, and understand peak and slack hours.
  • Systematic Depot-Wise Upgrades: TSRTC is ensuring a seamless transition by systematically updating the TIMS depot-wise. Overnight software updates for each machine demonstrate the dedication and meticulous planning involved in this ambitious project.
  • Automatic MIS Reports: The introduction of automatic Management Information System (MIS) reports for zero-cost tickets is an innovative step. These reports will provide valuable insights into the usage of the free travel scheme, allowing TSRTC to optimize routes, schedules, and resource allocation based on real-time data.

Ensuring Smooth Operations and Optimal Resource Allocation

  • Avoiding Disruptions: The systematic upgrade process is designed to avoid disruptions in existing ticketing operations, ensuring a smooth transition for both passengers and operators.
  • Real-Time Optimization: By utilizing MIS reports, TSRTC aims to optimize routes, schedules, and resource allocation in real-time, enhancing the efficiency of public transportation services.

A Remarkable Technological Feat and Commitment to Public Service

  • Technological Milestone: Optimizing 13,000 TIMS for free women’s bus travel showcases a remarkable feat of technological advancement and logistical coordination.
  • Setting an Example: TSRTC’s commitment to data-driven solutions and public service sets a commendable example for other public transport authorities in the country.

As TSRTC paves the way for zero-cost tickets and leverages technology to enhance public transportation, stay tuned for updates on the successful implementation of this groundbreaking initiative, offering women in Telangana a more accessible and efficient mode of travel.

Source : constructionworld

Ashwini Ellendula
Ashwini Ellendula
Ashwini is a travel blogger passionate about travel news. she brings the latest travel trends and news to her readers. Her passion and dedication to providing accurate and up-to-date information for travel news and insights.

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