HomeNewsTNSTC Reduces Services on Route Number 7: Commuters Face Hardship

TNSTC Reduces Services on Route Number 7: Commuters Face Hardship

The reduction of TNSTC bus services on route number 7, from Gandhi Park to Gandhi Park, has left commuters facing long waits and high auto fares. TNSTC plans to review and potentially increase bus services.

The Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) has significantly reduced bus services on route number 7, which runs from Gandhi Park to Gandhi Park. This reduction has led to considerable inconvenience for passengers who rely on this route for daily commutes.

Pre-Covid vs. Current Operations

  • Pre-Covid: 7 buses operated on the route.
  • Current: Only 1 bus operates regularly, although TNSTC claims there are 2.

Diversion of Buses

One of the buses allocated to this route is diverted in the morning to Valayankuttai near Alandurai and in the evening to Srinivasa Nagar near Podanur, resulting in fewer services on the primary route.

Impact on Passengers

  • Limited Connectivity: Only two private buses now serve this route, leaving passengers waiting for nearly an hour, especially during peak hours.
  • Inconvenience to Patients: Many passengers, such as those visiting hospitals in RS Puram and Cowley Brown Road, face significant delays.
  • Dependence on Private Transport: Due to the lack of frequent buses, passengers often have to rely on private buses and autos, which charge high fares.

Passenger Experiences

  • R Kumaravel: “We had an appointment at an eye hospital in RS Puram but didn’t get a bus for an hour. Due to the lack of bus connectivity, we struggled to reach our destination on time.”
  • Auto Fare Issues: Auto drivers charge a minimum of ₹200 from Gandhipuram to RS Puram, adding to the financial burden of commuters.

Financial Impact on TNSTC

  • Daily Earnings: Despite the reduced services, the route generates approximately ₹10,000 daily.

Official Responses and Future Actions

  • Historical Context: Three years ago, TNSTC rationalized services based on patronage, reducing around 100 buses in the district.
  • Current Status: No further reductions have been made since then. The corporation faced a shortage of drivers and conductors but is now operating with the help of contract staff.
  • Future Plans: A TNSTC official mentioned that the corporation will study the current route situation and consider operating more buses to alleviate the issues faced by passengers.

The reduction in bus services on route number 7 has caused significant disruptions for daily commuters. TNSTC’s commitment to reviewing and potentially increasing the number of buses on this route is a hopeful step towards resolving these issues.

Source : indiatimes

Ashwini Ellendula
Ashwini Ellendula
Ashwini is a travel blogger passionate about travel news. she brings the latest travel trends and news to her readers. Her passion and dedication to providing accurate and up-to-date information for travel news and insights.

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