In response to a statewide bandh (strike) called by various pro-Kannada organizations in Karnataka, the Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) has decided to suspend its bus services to Karnataka for 24 hours. The bandh has been organized to protest against the release of Cauvery river water to Tamil Nadu. Here are the details of this development:
Temporary Suspension of TNSTC Bus Services
- The TNSTC will suspend bus services to Karnataka from Thursday evening, lasting for 24 hours.
- Transport department authorities have instructed bus drivers to operate only up to the Tamil Nadu-Karnataka state border on Friday.
- Police officials have announced that no vehicles will be allowed to cross the border near Hosur until Friday night.
Impact on TNSTC Bus Services
- The TNSTC operates more than 400 buses to various parts of Karnataka.
- A senior TNSTC official from the Salem division confirmed the suspension of bus services, which will remain in effect until Friday evening.
Security Measures
- Tamil Nadu’s Director General of Police (DGP), Shankar Jiwal, assured that all necessary measures have been taken by district police to maintain law and order.
- The district superintendents of police in Krishnagiri, Erode, Dharmapuri, Salem, and Nilgiris have been instructed to monitor the borders.
- The public has been urged to contact the Krishnagiri district SP office or emergency contact numbers in case of any emergencies.
Background on the TNSTC Bandh
- The bandh has been organized by more than 1,900 pro-Kannada organizations under the banner of ‘Kannada Okkuta.’
- Karnataka has imposed prohibitory orders in Bengaluru and some southern districts in anticipation of the bandh.
The temporary suspension of TNSTC bus services to Karnataka is a precautionary measure taken in response to the statewide bandh called by pro-Kannada organizations. The situation will be closely monitored by law enforcement authorities to ensure public safety during this period. Travellers planning to cross the Tamil Nadu-Karnataka border should take note of the temporary suspension of bus services and plan their journeys accordingly.
Source : timesofindia