HomeNewsOdisha's LAccMI Initiative of Rs 3178 Crore Plan for 1623 Rural Buses

Odisha’s LAccMI Initiative of Rs 3178 Crore Plan for 1623 Rural Buses

Explore how the LAccMI initiative, allocating Rs 3,178 crore, aims to transform rural connectivity, generate jobs, and boost economic growth.

In a significant move, the Odisha government launched the Location Accessible Multi-modal Initiative (LAccMI) to revolutionize rural connectivity. With a budget of Rs 3,178 crore, this ambitious initiative plans to operate 1,623 buses in rural areas, aiming to bridge the gap between Gram Panchayats, Blocks, and District Headquarters.

Key Highlights:

    • Budget Allocation: The government earmarks Rs 3,178 crore for LAccMI, demonstrating its commitment to rural development.
    • Rural Connectivity: LAccMI will deploy 1,623 buses, ensuring efficient and affordable travel from Gram Panchayats to District Headquarters.
    • Educational Access: The initiative targets improved accessibility for 62,291 educational institutions, fostering educational development in rural areas.
    •  OpportunitieEmployments: LAccMI is expected to create 37,652 direct and indirect employment opportunities, contributing to economic growth.
    • Revenue Generation: Projections indicate a substantial revenue generation of Rs 45 billion within the next 5 years, showcasing the initiative’s economic impact.
    • Sustainable Development Goals: LAccMI aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goals, addressing economic development, industrial innovation, infrastructure enhancement, and sustainable urban community development.
    • Tourism Potential: The initiative unlocks Odisha’s rural tourism potential, connecting scenic sites like Bonda Hills and Mahendragiri.
    • Women’s Empowerment: Women’s Self-Help Groups linked with Mission Shakti actively participate, acting as conductors and promoting women’s empowerment and community welfare.
  • Leadership Voices:
    • Diptesh Kumar Pattnayak, IPS, Chairman and MD, OSRTC, expresses pride in collaborating with the government, emphasizing the commitment to inclusive development.
    • Amit Patjoshi, CEO, Palladium India, underscores the initiative’s role in breaking down barriers and fostering economic growth.

LAccMI is not merely a transportation initiative; it’s a transformative step towards inclusive development, unlocking opportunities for Odisha’s rural communities. With a focus on education, employment, and sustainable growth, this initiative is poised to make a lasting impact on the state’s landscape.

Source :  financialexpress

Ashwini Ellendula
Ashwini Ellendula
Ashwini is a travel blogger passionate about travel news. she brings the latest travel trends and news to her readers. Her passion and dedication to providing accurate and up-to-date information for travel news and insights.

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