HomeIndian Festivals & EventsNavratri 2023 Start and End Dates - Durga Puja Celebration

Navratri 2023 Start and End Dates – Durga Puja Celebration

Navratri, a nine-night Hindu festival, is a time of vibrant celebrations and religious devotion. Discover the significance, rituals, and joy that define this auspicious occasion which honours the goddess Durga and the victory of good over evil.

Get ready to celebrate Navratri 2023 with great fervor and enthusiasm as we approach the auspicious Navratri 2023 date and time of the year when the vibrant festival of Durga Puja takes center stage. Navratri 2023 is a nine-night festival dedicated to the worship of the goddess Durga. This period is marked by colorful rituals, traditional dances, and a deep spiritual significance. Let’s delve into the significance and the exciting celebrations that await us during this joyous season.

Shardiya Navratri Calendar 2023

Date Day Goddess
15 October 2023 Padyami Shailputri
16 October 2023 Dwitiya Brahmacharini
17 October 2023 Trtiya Chandraghanta
18 October 2023 Chaturthi Kushmanda
19 October 2023 Panchami Skandamata
20 October 2023 Sashti Katyayani
21 October 2023 Saptami Kalratri
22 October 2023 Ashtami Mahagauri
23 October 2023 Navami Siddhidatri

Navratri Colours 2023 List

Navratri is not just about devotion and dance; it’s also a celebration of colors. Each of the nine nights is associated with a specific color that holds a symbolic meaning. These color themes continue throughout Navratri, and participants often wear clothes and accessories in sync with the daily color, creating a visually stunning and culturally rich celebration. 

  • 1st Day of Navratri – Orange: The color orange represents energy and enthusiasm, signifying the awakening of spiritual consciousness.
  • 2nd Day of Navratri – White: White signifies purity and peace, highlighting the goddess’s divine grace and the devotee’s prayer for her blessings.
  • 3rd Day of Navratri – Red: Red symbolizes strength and action, showcasing the determination to conquer evil and protect righteousness.
  • 4th Day of Navratri – Royal Blue: Royal blue reflects the divine energy and grace of the goddess, a color of calmness and serenity.
  • 5th Day of Navratri – Yellow: Yellow signifies happiness and brightness, representing the growth of knowledge and wisdom.
  • 6th Day of Navratri – Green: Green embodies the qualities of nature and fertility, emphasizing harmony and prosperity.
  • 7th Day of Navratri – Grey: Grey represents the strength of transformation, marking the battles of life and the ability to overcome challenges.
  • 8th Day of Navratri – Purple: Purple symbolizes the strength of peace and devotion, merging the colors of red (action) and blue (divine grace).
  • 9th Day of Navratri – Peacock Green: Peacock green combines the beauty of the peacock, symbolizing a sense of bliss, spiritual awakening, and the goddess’s benevolence.

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Navratri 2023 Start & End Dates

Shardiya Navaratri 2023, a much-anticipated festival, is celebrated with great joy across the country. During these nine days, people pray to Goddess Durga in her nine different forms. This special festival begins on October 15, 2023, and ends on October 24, 2023. It’s a time for spiritual devotion and happiness.

Nine Forms of Durga – 9 Days of Navratri

Goddess Durga is a symbol of divine feminine power and strength. During Navratri 2023, she is worshipped in nine different forms, each representing various aspects of her power and grace. These forms are:

9 Days of Navratri 2023
9 Days of Navratri 2023

Navratri Day 1- Shailaputri

She is the daughter of the Himalayas and is depicted riding a bull. Shailaputri represents the power of the mountains.

Navratri Day 2 – Brahmacharini

This form is associated with penance and devotion. She holds a rudraksha mala and symbolizes meditation and prayer.

Navratri Day 3 – Chandraghanta

With a crescent moon on her forehead, Chandraghanta is a fierce warrior goddess who wards off evil spirits and negativity.

Navratri Day 4 – Kushmanda

Kushmanda represents the creative power of the universe. She is often depicted holding a lotus, symbolizing prosperity.

Navratri Day 5 – Skandamata

The mother of Kartikeya, Skandamata is the nurturing, motherly form of Durga. She holds her son Skanda in her lap.

Navratri Day 6 – Katyayani

Katyayani is a fierce and powerful form of Durga, born out of the collective anger of the gods. She wields a sword and rides a lion.

Navratri Day 7 – Kaalratri

This form is fierce and dark, symbolizing the destruction of ignorance and evil. She is depicted with a dark complexion and wild hair.

Navratri Day 8 – Mahagauri

Mahagauri is the symbol of purity and serenity. She is often dressed in white and represents peace and forgiveness.

Navratri Day 9 – Siddhidatri

The ninth and final form of Durga, Siddhidatri, is the granter of wishes and the possessor of supernatural powers. She is depicted with four arms and is believed to provide spiritual knowledge and enlightenment.

These nine forms of Durga are worshipped with devotion during Navratri 2023, each day dedicated to a specific form. This worship signifies the triumph of good over evil and the celebration of the divine feminine energy that permeates the universe.

Navratri 2023
Navratri 2023

Navratri 2023 Start Date

The 9 days of Navratri start on 15th October, 2023.

Navratri 2023 End Date

Navratri 2023 end date is on 24th October,2023.

Navratri 2023 Ashtami Date October

Ashtami is on October 22nd which is the 8th Day of Navratri 2023.

Durga Puja 2023 Celebrations

Durga Puja 2023 promises to be a grand and vibrant celebration, continuing the rich tradition of honoring the goddess Durga. The Navratri 2023 puja timings typically span over several days, with the main focus on the last five days of Navratri 2023. Here’s what you can expect from the Durga Puja celebrations in 2023:

  • Artistic Decorations: Elaborate and artistic pandals (temporary structures) are created to house the idols of Durga and her family. Each pandal is uniquely themed and showcases exceptional craftsmanship.
  • Idol Installation: The highlight of Durga Puja is the installation of beautifully crafted idols of Durga, along with her children, Ganesh, Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Kartikeya. Skilled artisans spend months preparing these idols.
  • Traditional Rituals: The festivities begin with Mahalaya, a day when people offer prayers to their ancestors. During the puja, traditional rituals and ceremonies are conducted to invoke the blessings of the goddess.
  • Cultural Performances: Durga Puja is not just a religious festival; it’s a cultural extravaganza. Cultural events, including dance, music, and drama performances, take place at various venues, adding to the festive spirit.
  • Food Delights: No celebration is complete without sumptuous food. Food stalls serve a variety of delectable dishes, ranging from traditional Bengali sweets to street food.
  • Sindoor Khela: On the final day of Durga Puja, married women participate in Sindoor Khela, where they apply vermilion to the goddess and to each other as a symbol of marital bliss and the triumph of good over evil.
  • Visiting Pandals: People from all walks of life visit the beautifully decorated pandals to admire the idols, seek the goddess’s blessings, and soak in the festive atmosphere.

Also Read: Durga Puja Pandal 2023 – Date, Photo & Decoration

  • Processions and Immersion: The grand finale involves colorful processions where the idols are carried through the streets, accompanied by music and dancing. The immersion of the idols in rivers or water bodies marks the conclusion of the festival.
  • Community Bonding: Durga Puja is a time when communities come together to celebrate. It fosters a sense of togetherness and belonging among people.
  • Inclusivity: Durga Puja is celebrated by people of all backgrounds and faiths, making it a symbol of India’s cultural diversity and unity.

Durga Puja in 2023 will undoubtedly be a jubilant occasion, celebrating the goddess’s victory over evil and the triumph of good. The rich cultural heritage and the vibrant spirit of togetherness that it embodies make it a must-visit festival for anyone looking to experience the heart and soul of Indian culture.

In closing, Navratri 2023 promises to be an exciting celebration, bringing people together in joy and unity. It’s not just about religion; it’s a display of art, culture, and community. We look forward to next year’s festivities and the return of Maa Durga, keeping the spirit of togetherness alive. 

Manisha Sai Tulabandula
Manisha Sai Tulabandula
Hi there, I'm Manisha content writer at AbhiBus and a passionate traveller by heart. I'm thrilled to create content that inspires travellers around the world. Whether it's crafting a detailed guide to suggesting the best local food spots or sharing insider tips on how to make the most of a weekend getaway, I'm dedicated to helping travellers create unforgettable experiences.

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