HomeNewsAPSRTC Announces 50 Special Bus Services to Manginapudi Beach for Karthika Pournami

APSRTC Announces 50 Special Bus Services to Manginapudi Beach for Karthika Pournami

APSRTC to operate 50 special buses for devotees to embrace the divine sea bath on Karthika Pournami.

In anticipation of the auspicious occasion of Karthika Pournami on November 26 and 27, the Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) announces the operation of 50 special bus services from Machilipatnam to Manginapudi Beach. Here are the details:

APSRTC Special Bus Services to Manginapudi Beach

  • APSRTC to operate 50 special bus services for the convenience of devotees visiting Manginapudi beach for sea baths during Karthika Pournami.
  • The Pournami Tidhi will commence in the afternoon of November 26 and conclude on November 27.

Expected Devotee Turnout

  • Approximately two lakh devotees expected to take a sacred bath at Manginapudi beach, situated near the Krishna district headquarters, Machilipatnam.
  • Karthika Pournami is considered highly auspicious for Hindus, drawing lakhs of devotees to the sea in Andhra Pradesh.

Elaborate Arrangements by Krishna District Administration

  • The Krishna district administration will ensure elaborate arrangements for the convenience and safety of devotees.
  • Ambulances and expert swimmers stationed near the beach to address emergencies.
  • The entire road and beach area will be illuminated for enhanced safety and visibility.

Traffic Management and VIP Parking

  • One-way traffic implemented from Baddila Centre to Manginapudi beach on November 26 and 27 for smooth vehicle flow.
  • Separate parking designated for VIPs near the beach, and traffic monitoring to be conducted using drones.

Queue Management and Sanitation Facilities

  • Separate queue lines at Dattashram for the entry and exit of devotees, with barricades for smooth flow.
  • Sanitary staff appointed in three shifts, medical camps, and first aid centers established between Machilipatnam and Manginapudi beach.

Amenities for Women Devotees

  • Eighty makeshift dress-changing rooms arranged near the beach for the convenience of women devotees taking sea baths.
  • NDRF and State Disaster Response teams deployed for emergency response.
  • Autos arranged for the free travel of physically challenged individuals.

APSRTC encourages devotees to take part in the divine experience of Karthika Pournami at Manginapudi beach. The special bus services aim to ensure a comfortable and accessible journey for all pilgrims. The Krishna district administration is dedicated to providing a safe and spiritually enriching environment during this auspicious celebration.

Source : thehansindia

Ashwini Ellendula
Ashwini Ellendula
Ashwini is a travel blogger passionate about travel news. she brings the latest travel trends and news to her readers. Her passion and dedication to providing accurate and up-to-date information for travel news and insights.

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